Fire Department / Public Safety / Schools
Baltimore County and Baltimore City Firefighters
As a current vested member of the Baltimore County Fire Department pension plan, I have a unique insight into the benefits, needs and specific financial situation for Fire Department members and retirees. I continuously stay abreast of relavent issues and changes specific to firefighters. I had prior careers with both the Baltimore County and Baltimore City Fire Departments.
A large part of my business involves working closely with current and retired Firefighters, particularly those nearing retirement and already retired. I continue to work with retirees long into their retirement years to assure that their financial goals become realized. I owe my deepest gratitude towards all of the current and retired fire department members who have entrusted me with their financial futures over the past 28 years.
Particular areas of expertise involve:
DROP Rollovers
H.E.L.P.S. Program
457(b) Deferred Comp. Rollovers
Insurance needs and reviews
Baltimore County School and CCBC Employees
I work closely with Baltimore County School and CCBC employees. In addition to my listed areas of expertise, I can help with enrollment and planning for the 403(b) program.